With 50+ years experience in industry; Trego Integrated Systems is the only consulting organization to have successfully developed and implemented integrated manufacturing, equipment automation, process and supply chain traceability systems in the semiconductor industry. Our program management expertise can guide the development of documentation to understand the customer’s total requirements, identify appropriate alternative solutions, and drive the development and implementations. Our experience is passed on to the customer by avoiding the many “landmines” and shortening the learning curve, saving both real dollars as well as the frustrations of rework and/or redirection of the programs.
From a number of perspectives, our capabilities will positively impact a wide array of industries. Today, as never before, counterfeits and grey market activity are costing reputable manufacturers millions of dollars annually both in terms of real income, as well as the loss of customer confidence through the delivery of substandard or defective product or through illegal supply chain operations. Liability risks also continue to rise as these products are offered to the consumer market through their inclusion in products such as automobiles, aircraft, pharmaceuticals, and construction equipment to name a few. Additionally, new regulatory measures such as NDAA 2012- National Defense Authorization Act of 2012; introduce requirements for provable traceability and authentication of electronic components delivered to the U.S. Department of Defense. Failure to meet these requirements leaves the suppliers at risk of unlimited liability, as prescribed by this Act. Our proven methods and experience in supporting the electronics industry providers with rapid, low cost design, development and implementation of systems integrated with their existing operations is unique and unprecedented.
Beyond the electronics industry, the application of our expertise to energy, automotive, pharmaceuticals, medical devices, consumer retail, and nanotechnology industries will enable producers and all members of their supply chains, to minimize the impacts they are currently encountering during the downturn in the world economy. In all of these, illegal operations are starting to attack even the most mundane products with the delivery of defective, dangerous knockoffs of products to consumers. Application of proven engineering and project management skills to these areas puts Trego Integrated Systems in an even more broadly unique business position.