

Background: Increased product complexity (driven by market segmentation, multiple features and/or performance) hampers new product development. Complex products and manufacturing processes (e.g. Semiconductor, Automotive, Aerospace, Computing, high-end Electronics, etc.) require increased iterations of prototype assembling, testing, and performance measurement. Increasing interactions with varying materials and sub-systems exacerbate problem solving efficiency. Product developments increasingly suffer from…

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Situation: Within many industries, counterfeiting has proven to be a major source of both direct corporate cost as well as lost corporate image. The mounting need to protect corporate assets in issues involving product liability, and the ability to prove product authenticity is becoming an absolute requirement. In both the pharmaceutical and semiconductor industries alone,…

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Research & Development

Situation: The typical time to transform a prototype product into a full production product was 3-5 months, with anywhere from 3 to 7 engineering revisions possible during that period to “tweak” the product into its desired operational specification envelope. During this time, from several hundred to literally thousands of individual units would typically be built,…

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Counterfeit Product

Situation: With the increasing importance of corporate image in the highly competitive, global markets of today; as well as the mounting need to protect corporate assets in issues involving product liability, the ability to prove product authenticity is becoming an absolute requirement.   Target: We must provide a means of guaranteeing reliable, fully functional product…

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